872KiB, 1600x900, npr_dna_1_wide-f2c3c4c46036268e5630ec9cdb146e50c44af32a.jpg
CAS9, CRISPR, designer babies
No.14252315 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14252376 >>14252563 >>14252715
Out of all the genes on this planet which ones are the best to build upon? and which ones are worth going through the dumpster to recover? I'm thinking either Ireland or middle-northern european genes.
What do the papers say about them? both at surface level and in theory?
I'm thinking there's some quality genes hidden in most peasant countries but because of all the inbreeding and bad nutrition you need to remove all the trash DNA first.
Nordic genes(Norway,Sweden,Finland) might also be good candidates to take quality building blocks from as long as you clean it up.
What do the papers say about them? both at surface level and in theory?
I'm thinking there's some quality genes hidden in most peasant countries but because of all the inbreeding and bad nutrition you need to remove all the trash DNA first.
Nordic genes(Norway,Sweden,Finland) might also be good candidates to take quality building blocks from as long as you clean it up.