Timeline of Technological Progression
No.14252103 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14252104 >>14252219
Lots of things were learned, forgotten, relearned etc. Eventually things converged and we started forgetting stuff less, foundations were set and new knowledge was built on it.
Some things are directly dependent on previous advancement, others are not.
What are some technologies or methods that feasibly could have been developed before others and how would this have affected our technological timeline?
For example, black powder was discovered/invented/used ~900AD. Is there any reason why something different like peroxides could not have been stumbled on, and exploited, first?
Some things are directly dependent on previous advancement, others are not.
What are some technologies or methods that feasibly could have been developed before others and how would this have affected our technological timeline?
For example, black powder was discovered/invented/used ~900AD. Is there any reason why something different like peroxides could not have been stumbled on, and exploited, first?