>>14251794>Is there ANY actual scientific proof that human races do, indeed, have intelligence differences amongst them?This the wrong question, because if you want cold hard data, then yes, East Asians substantially out perform all other 'races' on IQ tests and IQ proxies on average. However that doesn't mean East Asians are genetically destined to be smarter.
Why not?
Firstly childhood pathogens. If you get sick as a child your brain will have stunted development. The poorer you are, the less access you have to clean water and medicine, the less parental attention you get to be nursed when you are sick - the more likley you are to be left behind on the IQ test.
Secondly, where there is childhood illness, there is often poverty. And poverty means shitty schools. You can't reach your potential in intelligence unless you get the opportunity to exercise that potential. Re: Flynn Effect.
Thirdly, statistics don't tell the full story. Do men account for more extreme high IQ scores than women? Yes. Do men account for more extreme low, retard level IQ scores than women? Also yes. So which is it? Are men smarter or dumber than women? Well you can argue smart men are smarter than smart women, and dumb men are dumber. If you were to look at the thin tail of IQ scores of Westerners I would surmise that you're more likley to see extremely high IQ scores than in East Asia, primarily because of the cultural differences. All you can really say is "this race ON AVERAGE is smarter" you can't say they are genetically smarter.
It's the old Potentiality-Actuality/Nature vs. Nurture debate. And the idea of using such a broad category like 'race' you get populations in the billions, so large that there is no useful data in the statistical population.