>>14250622I’m extremely thorough about personal hygiene to the point I’m almost a hypochondriac. I’ve had this rash at the back of my scalp for almost my entire life, it almost disappears and then flares up every so often but it’s never been so visible until now that I’m bald.
Also I’ve been using various shampoos for years and they’ve done nothing to get rid of it, if all it took was a simple dumbshit solution like shampoo I wouldn’t have to turn to 4chan. And before you reply with “huhuh see a doctor then” I live in the UK where it takes ten million years to see a doctor and every doctor is an illiterate shitskin Indian that cheated in their exams and got their medical license from a mudhut clown university in New Delhi. They do nothing to solve your problems, they know nothing. They literally google your symptoms and go from there. I have more faith in witchdoctors than actual doctors at this point. So unless you know how to help cure this AIDS rash at the back of my neck please SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH