GP120 Spikeprotein
No.14250067 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14250072 >>14250112 >>14251018 >>14251051 >>14251177 >>14251188
Hey guys. How are you? How do you feel after getting "Aids" by the Vax and the Virus itself. Without even the use of HIV. Do you wanna know how they did this? Depopulation started.
>They put GP120 spikeprotein in the virus and then in the Vaxx..
>GP120 is the spikeprotein of Hiv-1.
>Hiv-1 is patented by Anthony Fauci.
>Anthony Fauci is the boss of NIH.
>NIH funded GainOfFunction. reasearch in Wuhan, after the US made GainOfFunction illegal in the US.
>Bill Gates is investor im BionTech.
>Anthony Fauci is friends with Bill.
>overall Pharma is a mafia.
>BioNtech/Pfizer and the other Mrna Vaxxine use GP120, the spike
GP120 does exactly the same demage to your liver, kidney, heart, bloodvessels. Everyday fucking over your body and cells (Vax/Booster = 9-12months of constant production of the GP120 spikeprotein in your whole body (every cell)
If you got the Lableaked GainOfFunction Virus you will produce that spikes too. But GP120 is not a virus, it will go out of your body after some time.
>They put GP120 spikeprotein in the virus and then in the Vaxx..
>GP120 is the spikeprotein of Hiv-1.
>Hiv-1 is patented by Anthony Fauci.
>Anthony Fauci is the boss of NIH.
>NIH funded GainOfFunction. reasearch in Wuhan, after the US made GainOfFunction illegal in the US.
>Bill Gates is investor im BionTech.
>Anthony Fauci is friends with Bill.
>overall Pharma is a mafia.
>BioNtech/Pfizer and the other Mrna Vaxxine use GP120, the spike
GP120 does exactly the same demage to your liver, kidney, heart, bloodvessels. Everyday fucking over your body and cells (Vax/Booster = 9-12months of constant production of the GP120 spikeprotein in your whole body (every cell)
If you got the Lableaked GainOfFunction Virus you will produce that spikes too. But GP120 is not a virus, it will go out of your body after some time.