A posteriori is the patricians' preferred set of claims, mainly because that keeps all the riff-raff out. Oh sure, we SAY we prefer a priori, you know, to keep up appearances- it entertains us to entertain you.
You probably thought differently, based on a priori assumptions. But we don't. We actually respect the laws of nature and facts and evidence and the scientific method. We don't need faith- we have a complete set of explanations. When we do ride in airplanes with you guys, we enjoy the company of simple folks who think the plane is held up by angels. We wouldn't dare bust that bubble to point out aerodynamic theory. What a drag.
Who knocks on your door at 2 in the afternoon and says, "I'd like to talk to you today about the scientific method....?"
Its not that a posteriori claims are harder to understand or think about. They just make people uncomfortable, as if their lives are somehow less dynamic and less free, just because of their inescapable material nature, which is the focus of the denial they have built their lives, cultures, and sometimes, whole societies around.
So, the flight to fantasy and illusion begins... yes, you are a good looking, amazing human being created by the Universe's own creator, and yes, he is constantly wondering how you are doing. I know all this because an angel told me so. Tee-hee. Dogs go to heaven, etc. Nice day, carry on citizen.