No.14246537 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The covid crisis has already ended, Pfizer's Paxlovid pill decreases symptoms by 90%, combined with vaccine even, that is more than enough so nobody will ever die of Covid again.

Except... there is """"""""""""""""""'not enough supply of it""""""""""""""""""'. In a nutshell, for those of you that don't get finance:

>Ok, whole world got their 2nd shot. Let's sell our pills now for money
>Wait.. media, governments, everyone started talking about "booster shots"
>Oh noo guise, we can't produce enough paxlovid yet, but we can produce enough vaccines as much as you want to buy heheh.. after all, everyone needs to get vaccinated, while paxlovid is only for people who show symptons (a vast minority)

How do we profit from this?