>>14244438It has nothing to do with CO2, it's the recycling/depletion of the topsoil in fertile growing areas of the world to keep up with the demand of billions of useless third worlders/leeches that have to eat something. You can't just keep farming the same land even if you rotate it. The soil has to be replenished longterm and allowed to rebuild its structure, not just short term with fertilizers and tilling. Hydroponics and till farming are always going to yield fast but nutritional lacking produce. Non tilled soil is structured and filtered by nature itself with rain, worms/animal stuffs and freezing.
>>14246676>It's not because you let all the book learned retards make health descisions for a year to no avail>>14246710And don't forget to take the vaccine!
>>14246749Correct. All the food we take for granted was cultivated over the course of human history, right down to the bread and delicious red grapefruits that wouldn't exist were it not for atomic farming. But no it's just the "GMO's" because it's a fancy buzzword like "climate change" and can be applied to literally anything with carbon. Like you for instance, the carbon they really want to reduce.
>>14246912Irish? Russian? I don't give a shit if you eat beetroots or fucking potatoes, they were made into what they are by humans selectively growing them over the course of literally hundreds of years.