>>14242816No, i have not heard of Yamanaka factor being used in longevity research, but i'll definitely look into it.
If i remember correctly, overexpression of yamanaka factor is used in turning somatic cells into stemcless (thats my girlfriends area of research i don't know much about it).
Turning somatic cells into stem cells always has the problem of the induiced stem cells being prone to becoming canceerous. If it were widely overexpressed in the human body, i'm fairly certaine it would just cause cancer.
But i could be wrong, as i said, i don't know much about the yamanaka factor or any research in useing it to increase healthy lifespan. Good question though.
>>14242822That is a good question, and one i don't have a very good answer for (yet). We are actually working on a method for a diagnostic tool which could help identify what wopuld best help increase healthy lifespan.
For now, the best i can say is: mental health is probably the most important. A new factor has been identifyed which is responsible for turning on protein misfolding correction shaperones, which is under direct neuronal control, and overexpressing it causes a 30% increas in lifespan.
Becomeing fat is one of the most detrimental, so stay in shape.
Fasting helps delay cancer and other DNA damage based age related disease via maintaining epigenetic contorl of transposons, but it also has downsides.
Get enough vitamints, but don't overdo it.
Get enough sunlight, but don't overdo it (melanoma is one of the most common and most dangerous cancers)
Don't overprotect yourselfe. A neglected organ ages faster than a used one. If you never drink any kind of poison (alcohol, coffe, tea) your liver will shut down or get cancerosu much faster than if you drink half a glass of wine a day.