No.14240527 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It is not possible for a true circle to exist without the circumference-to-diameter ratio being equal to pi. And it is not possible for an imperfect circle to exist without the circumference-to-diameter ratio being an approximation of pi relatively-equivalent to how imperfect the circle is.

Therefore, there must be some arbiter of sorts for the universe that determines what is true versus false all the time. The culmination of all the natural laws of reality form this arbiter.

The question is, does not the arbiter display sentience because it has the ability to say "no" and "yes?" And doesn't it also have the ability to perceive and conceive of ideas and concepts? Different from a living being in some sense but also similar in another sense.

We are made in the image of the arbiter because we are like it's mirror, we evolved naturally towards the direction of being able to think like the arbiter, which is how we are able to understand the axioms that it arbitrates.

Surely, 2+2=4 cannot be a perfect axiom, it is only an axiom in our own universe, because very easily I can conceive of a universe where this axiom is different. I cannot grasp such a concept in my head because it's not possible in our world, but I can imagine such a concept, and therefore it can be true in another world beyond our world's rules.