>>14238644Things can interact with touching each other, conduction, or submerged in a shared fluid, convection. That non-conductive, non-convective interaction is radiation. What's happening is internal configurations are causing causal interactions.
The electron represents that interaction of internal configurations. When electrons transfer, the atom does not just look at the next atom up the chain. That's electricity. It looks all around in the environment. That's magnetism. It's possible to interact without changing the want of that atom for an electron. So the electron itself has an internal configuration too. That's spin. Things really aren't spinning. It's a legacy term.
The idea behind surface integrals is space can be continuous just like the Cartesian plane in Calculus. There's no end to zooming in. You can work in one vector and the next value it must be instead of an infinite amount of integral parts. That's a lot easier. If you know the current value, and the value it must be next, you know every little part of it. That's the big lesson behind Gibbs.
Maxwell took this work and applied it to the electrical properties of nothing, empty space. He used measurements of the speed of light going to Galileo and derived permeability and conductivity of empty space. To change it you'll have to think of a reason why empty space is not continuous which no one has yet.