Economics applied to the dating market

No.14238390 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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>Realize it’s just women sabotaging each other, encouraging women to ‘level’ up, and be “Queens”.
>Econ 101: Supply and Demand
>They are intent on increasing the supply of available men by sabotaging each other’s relationship, resulting in more single men who might me willing to date them.
>They are intent on lowering the supply of women by promoting that it’s fine being single and living your own life. The “Queen” way.
>At the same time, they are intent on lowering the demand for men so that men will settle for them or chase/pursue them.
They are intent on increasing the demand for women by being (anti-pornography), porn is bad yes but it also gives men a useful release instead of having to put up with an annoying woman just to have sex/ejaculate. This is also why they are vehemently against sex work which is also bad because a lot of what women offer is sex and if men can easily get sex for let’s say 50 euros an hour, the demand for women goes down.
I think that secretly a lot of them are homophobic but only against men (gay) because that lowers the supply of men but will encourage lesbianism because that will take women out of the dating market.