>>14246151>you don't learn enough about engineering to do any engineeringdefine engineering, and do it without any overlap with chemE
>you don't learn enough about chemistry to do any chemistryit's not the chemE's job, they design plants, industrial applications of chemistry, and control systems
if they're not doing design they're basically doing a mechE's generic project engineering job or some r&d because they know "enough chemistry and physics"
>you don't learn enough about physics to do eitheryou don't need physics to design a process, you let the mechanical and civil underlings figure out how to build it once you design it
Who do you think designs silicon wafer production processes? Not the physicists, EEs, MEs, and especially not CS or computer engineers
Why do you think chemical engineering has the highest average salary in the US? It's because they design industrial processes that are literally giant cash flows (but mostly because of oil and gas, electric cars might put someone else on top)