Eugenics is overhated

No.14234658 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Arguably the most despised scientific field in all of history (more than nuclear), even moreso due to associations with Nazis and genocide. The hatred also extends to Genetic Engineering and Transhumanism; if you ever discuss these topics to normies you will inevitably get called "Nazi/Frankenstein/playing God".
But, if we remove all the bad atrocities associated with it and just boil it down to its most basic, I found eugenics to be a very noble act. What's wrong with protecting the future generations from declining IQs, retardation and incurable genetic illnesses? What's wrong with ensuring that our children, and our children's children, can have the best lives they could possibly have, through increased intellect, strength, immunity and overall health in general? Is that not what every parent wants, the best lives for their children?
And in the era of contraception and CRISPR, there will no longer be any need for the atrocious genocides of the past to realise the goals of eugenics. Today one can be a eugenicist and still be a moral person. Thus I think a eugenic revival can be possible.