>>14235670>What?Cost savings. Aerospace is really niche and the people who work in it do it because they love the craft and are willing to take pay cuts, to an extent, if it means continuing to make rockets. Ukrainians at Yuzhmash sometimes go multiple years without getting a paycheck and survive on donated soup and sleep from couch to couch
>How?Subject: Future Pay Grade | Management
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Hello. As we have discussed in previous meetings, the time has come in which we need to focus our goals and incentivize market-value strategies to ensure cost-end dividends. As the premier launch company for the United States of America, it is in our interest to assure unrivaled access to space. As part of our strategy in this continuously-changing field it is to the benefit of all that we do our part in serving as America's Ride to Space™. Effective February 28th, as per employee code H42-9A0TTsB section IV part 49, pay grades for all technical fields will be seeing a change as discussed earlier this year as part of our build-on-track timeline. Questions or concerns may be raised with Jane Doe (e-mail attached below) and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Rest assured this enactment was taken with great thought and had only the best intentions in mind for the company you call home. We do not take this decision lightly, and we hope any inconveniences this may cause will not disrupt your work output or steer any timeline changes to our level-A projects.
Thank you for your consideration,
Save Lives, Explore the Universe, Connect the World.
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