I just read the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas (link below) and in it is a reference to a research paper that made the front page of the Los Angeles Times in 1968. This study placed mice in an environment with the same EMF levels as the half-way point between the earth and moon (L1). The lack of magnetic energy produced criminal behavior: cannibalism and forced rape which occurred on a daily basis. I've been looking for this study and have not been able to find it. This interests me as crime has increased lately and recently the solar system's position in the galaxy is approaching a change in the EMF.
It was from the Hahnemann Medical College. If anyone has a link to this I would appreciate it. I've got a subscription to newspapers.com and nothing comes up. I don't believe Mr. Thomas would make this up, so I suspect it has been deleted. If you've read this book (or the Bible) you understand that before a great flood/catastrophe comes a great moral decay.
It was from the Hahnemann Medical College. If anyone has a link to this I would appreciate it. I've got a subscription to newspapers.com and nothing comes up. I don't believe Mr. Thomas would make this up, so I suspect it has been deleted. If you've read this book (or the Bible) you understand that before a great flood/catastrophe comes a great moral decay.