>>14229917This board was a lot better back in early-mid 2010s.
It still had a bunch of retards posting shit, like how to go faster than light by confusing relativity and classical mechanics.
But it had a lot of good posters, and good threads; like some guy who figured out how to use an admins account to post putnam/math olympiad problems every day.
I remember an anon starting a discord server in early 2016, and joining, and getting to talk to some really knowledgeable anons who went on to study PhDs and bachelors degrees at places like berkeley and mit and harvard
This was around the time that the race realism (gorilla posting) threads started to spill over into /sci/, and pol grew massively during the trump campaign.
It was okay at the time, since the retarded anti science posters were a tiny minority.
But overtime, and especially when covid hit, /sci/ became unusable.
I don't think anyone of the oldfags I knew still use /sci/.
I know someone who got an offer to be a janny here a couple years ago, but 4chan wants you to doxx yourself to be a janny, so they turned it down and stopped using /sci/
Now you just have mostly crossboarders who can't believe that anyone on 4chan dislikes polniggers posting on /sci/. I don't give a fuck about if you get the vax or not (I'm not vaxxed). But this whole schizo-tier panic about ADE, prions, microchips, 5G, pigeons aren't real, and so on. And then the anti-science shit. And the whole inability to have metacognition. >I only trust scientific articles when it agrees with my opinions, otherwise its (((JEWISH lies))) and (((FAKE SCIENCE)))