>>14229154OP what your really asking fundamentally is what is the cause of particle motion. Einstein spent the latter half of his life trying to answer this question and it is largely ignored by modern physics. Modern physics uses kinematics which has no refence to the cause of particle motion ( mechanically speaking) other than a force acted on it. No explanation for what force mechanically is or how this mechanically causes motion in space-time.
The closest we've come to an answer for this is Einstein. Till the day he died he relentlessly worked on the unified field theory. He knew that the secret to particle motion was also the way to unify all the true fundamental forces of electrostatics, magnetics, and gravitics. Ultimately he reckoned that forces must be deformations of a real physical space. He became a very strong aether believer after he published his GR theory.
Einstein KNEW that motion was what unified the forces. Electromagnetic theory is proof of that. The question is how gravity unified to electromagnetism. Hint hint it likely relates to the continuous acceleration of particles with angular momentum. Alas he's dead and now physics is more interested in diversity hires smashing particles together than developing a component mechanical theory of nature.
If you really want some closure on this then I once heard a theory that particles could be vortexes that create a pressure gradient along their length at the planck scale. The magnitude of the gradient increases as it increases in kinetic energy thus moving more rapidly. Mechanically that is what motion could be, originating from inside the particle structure.
Hope that helped you anon.