>Claims we can bring animals with us. We basically can’t, any animal in zero-gravity basically freaks the fuck out, can’t eat, pukes, and would die.
>I agree we should be spending less money on deadbeats, and more money on NASA. We have poor people in the US who are OVERWEIGHT, obviously they’re getting too much food.
>Rapidly reusable - StarShip takes at least 3-hours to stack, let alone fill with fuel and cargo, and systems inspections.
>Turnaround time on Falcon 9 is like 2-months
>Claims that NOT ONLY will a single Starship be able to launch 100+ tons to orbit (which it hasn’t even done yet), but thinks that they will somehow launch this same starship 3 TIMES PER DAY, at some unknown point in the future. 1 Starship every 8 hours (which is just completely insane), and Super Heavy Booster being reused EVERY hour, which is like even more insane.
>Goal of making 1-stack per month (12/year)
>1 Million tons to orbit by date when??
>”You can only go to Mars every two years” Holy shit he said something accurate!!
>1 Million tons on Mars to have a functioning city
>“We need to do this as quickly as possible”. Why? There’s literally no cosmic threat to Earth for at least another 100 years. Asteroid Mining would be more prescient than a Mars colony.
>Claims we can bring animals with us. We basically can’t, any animal in zero-gravity basically freaks the fuck out, can’t eat, pukes, and would die.
>I agree we should be spending less money on deadbeats, and more money on NASA. We have poor people in the US who are OVERWEIGHT, obviously they’re getting too much food.
>Rapidly reusable - StarShip takes at least 3-hours to stack, let alone fill with fuel and cargo, and systems inspections.
>Turnaround time on Falcon 9 is like 2-months
>Claims that NOT ONLY will a single Starship be able to launch 100+ tons to orbit (which it hasn’t even done yet), but thinks that they will somehow launch this same starship 3 TIMES PER DAY, at some unknown point in the future. 1 Starship every 8 hours (which is just completely insane), and Super Heavy Booster being reused EVERY hour, which is like even more insane.
>Goal of making 1-stack per month (12/year)
>1 Million tons to orbit by date when??
>”You can only go to Mars every two years” Holy shit he said something accurate!!
>1 Million tons on Mars to have a functioning city
>“We need to do this as quickly as possible”. Why? There’s literally no cosmic threat to Earth for at least another 100 years. Asteroid Mining would be more prescient than a Mars colony.