
No.14224229 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How to reduce the aging process? There are no benefits to getting older. Some men peak in their early 30's, but I would always prefer to be 25, as I am right now. I get better looking as I age, but I know at some point I will start showing signs of real aging like wrinkles, grey hairs and what not.

Can you tell me the biggest factors for reducing aging? I avoid drinking alcohol and only drink in small amounts. I quit smoking some 4 years ago. I never really exercised much, but my I recently started doing it and it feels really good (was basically a nerd all my life and hated sports, even though I am built like a brick shithouse).

I know it could be worse if I was a woman because they hit the wall earlier, but I want to be good looking even in my 40's.

It's such a shame our primes are between our late teens and early 30's (for many it is much earlier even) and we live much of our lives managing decay.