>completion of 'brain development' often cited to be around 21-30, with an average of 24-26, although there are some cited numbers that range from the early 30s to the late 40s as seen in certain
>college on average nowadays take 6 years to complete
>most people start at 18, 19, or 20
>18 + 6 = ?
>19 + 6 = ?
>20 + 6 = ?
If the brain is in a learning environment like college for longer, is it more prone to maturation only after leaving a learning environment? Why do some brains mature in the late 40s and others in the early twenties? Does it just keep maturing and changing? Is neuroplasticity different for everyone? What are the implications of this?
>college on average nowadays take 6 years to complete
>most people start at 18, 19, or 20
>18 + 6 = ?
>19 + 6 = ?
>20 + 6 = ?
If the brain is in a learning environment like college for longer, is it more prone to maturation only after leaving a learning environment? Why do some brains mature in the late 40s and others in the early twenties? Does it just keep maturing and changing? Is neuroplasticity different for everyone? What are the implications of this?