No.14224032 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Neet here, how long should it take me to learn algebra 1 to calc iii? I spent a whole 2-3 months doing prealgebra and algebra 1 and I realized I haven’t really learned much and feel like this should have taken more like 2 weeks except I kept trying to memorize every fucking point in the textbook and then the next day I would refresh everything I ever learned up until that day and then start learning, which would waste a good chunk of the day. Now I’m gonna try just reading new sections/writing notes/do the problems and then move the fuck on and not give a fuck about reviewing this early on

I was a neet my entire life I never read a textbook before or any book up until late last year so I don’t know how to study properly but now I feel like I’m understanding how to manage my time better if anyone can give any advice on if my new plan is what I was supposed to be doing since day 1