>>14223530only temporarily, in the long run you have to cut out fat consumption, because fat and toxic fat metabolites block the action of insulin
ironically people these days will frequently tell you to decrease sugar consumption, which is the opposite of what you should do, you should eat more sugar and less fat, sugar has in fact been used to reverse and cure diabetes for over a century
the reason is again that sugar consumption itself never was the problem, the fat and toxic fat metabolites blocking the action of insulin always was
>>14223835nonsense, see above
cut fat, increase sugar, that's how you cure diabetes
diabetes is not, and never was, caused by sugar consumption
>P. A. Piorry in Paris, in 1864, and Dr. William Budd in England, in 1867, treated diabetes by adding a large amount of ordinary sugar, sucrose, to the patient's diet. Glucose was known to be the sugar appearing in the diabetics' urine, but sucrose consists of half glucose, and half fructose. In 1874, E. Kulz in Germany reported that diabetics could assimilate fructose better than glucose. In the next decades there were several more reports on the benefits of feeding fructose, including the reduction of glucose in the urine. With the discovery of insulin in 1922, fructose therapy was practically forgotten, until the 1950s when new manufacturing techniques began to make it economical to use.>[...]>If fructose can by-pass the fatty acids' inhibition of glucose metabolism, to be oxidized when glucose can't, and if the metabolism of diabetes involves the oxidation of fatty acids instead of glucose, then we would expect there to be less than the normal amount of fructose in the serum of diabetics, although their defining trait is the presence of an increased amount of glucose. According to Osuagwu and Madumere (2008), that is the case. If a fructose deficiency exists in diabetes, then it is appropriate to supplement it in the diet.