Quite a few years ago I first saw The Chem Lab website on a Deep Web Browsing video by SomeOrdinaryGamers. I was fascinated as it was filled with information on making high explosives, drugs and toxins. Recently, I remembered it and managed to find a few archives of the website, here is the most functional one that I've found: https://archive.org/details/Megalomanias_Controversial_Chemlab_12-08-2004/page/n1/mode/2up
I want to know if anyone here has any suriviving onion links to the site, functional archives of a later date or any more cool information similar to this. Seems risky websites like this have been mostly taken down.
I want to know if anyone here has any suriviving onion links to the site, functional archives of a later date or any more cool information similar to this. Seems risky websites like this have been mostly taken down.