>>14220662What if I agreed with your statement but also told you that we are headed toward total ecological collapse still? Would you believe me if I was based and red pilled? What if I told you carbon tax doesn't matter?
What if I told you """""renewables"""""" don't matter?
What if I told you the only thing that matters is to produce children so they can build the underground complexes that we will have to eke out a semblance of life in?
That the viability of nuclear first strike increases EVERY day?
That the EROI of new oil wells decreases EVERY day?
That the odds of humanities survival decreases EVERY day?
And neither """"""""""""""""""side"""""""""""""""""" gives a fuck about it?
And that you're pissing out plastic nano particles. Oh. And plastic nano particles are in your BRAIN.
OH, and heavy metals are contaminating the ground water lol!?
If the major world powers didn't pussy out on fission in the 80's, we wouldn't be in this position. If capitalism lost, we wouldn't be in this position. It was nice knowing you all. Please, die well.