I have no job, friends or hobbies and figured that this would be an effective use of my life. The problem is I have anhedonia and cant enjoy anything. Currently I am only forcing myself to study 100 minutes every morning using the pomorodo method (25 minutes on 5 minutes off x 4). If I were able to enjoy studying I could do it for longer but studying for that long requires mental endurance that I doubt can be maintained for any lengthy period of time. On average it takes 66 days to develop an automatic habit so after i study 4 pomodoros a day I will increase it to 8. My plan is to add 100 total minutes of study time every 66 days so that in about 2 years I will have the habit of studying for 18 hours a day effortlessly. Do any experienced anons know whether or not this will actually work? I am tired of endless boredom and not knowing any of the science I fantasized about learning in childhood.