Yep. This is why Im no longer anywhere on the left.
Basically I now see why Lysenko was shilled so hard. Communism supposed much about equality, so indeed it ultimately devolves into that sort of thinking. By definition, it devolves into mediocrity.
Now, you may say
>anon, ok, communism may be wrong but what about [x-leftwing-memedeology]
It is just that. Look, I did try. Im crippingly empathetic, but I just cannot deny my judgement. Not anymore.
Lysenko was wrong. There are people retarded or dull by nature. There are weak people by nature. Height is not all about environment. If I have kids in China they wont come out Chinese, simple as.
Genes exist, Lysenko was wrong, and humans cannot have equal lives and standards, because we are not equal to begin with.
The worst part yet is that genetics groups regionally. Some geographical areas have a higher density of intelligence, so to speak, just like with height, skin pigmentation and hair color. Yes, you can make a parallel with races. Perhaps not under the traditional American division, and certainly there are no fixed nor well-defined borders, but it is there. More than enough evidence.
Lately I tried to leave politics and focud on my field but this world makes it nearly impossible. If I told my coworkers theyd say Im rightwing, yet Im actually apolitical. I read my stuff, made my conclusions, and moved on. Just like any of my weeks, except that this shit is frustrating becayse I can't talk or write about this anywhere.