No.14217539 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, how are the laws of physics impacted by this woman who is correlated/associated with events from the future?

4 months before the freedom convoy:

3 days before the SUV massacre in Waekusha:

>July 25, 2019: and I saw her standing atop a mountain peak in South China, waving her hand as the coronas fell upon the Chinese killing them, it was the deadliest thing I had ever seen in her predictions

>2014: and she spake to me about the lockdown by which members of america were forced to comply along with the government's paranoia, all of which was still to be considered an unprepared recreation for the rivalry of nature and technology

>January 2020: and in incomparable beauty she sat beside me in the dream speaking to me of the fist, which, being interpreted is the symbol of the black lives matter movement, ye.

Science will meet the paranormal soon enough.