Images of everything

No.14217386 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Say there was a program that would spit out an image (1000x1000 pixels, 32-bit color)
If it does this very fast and iterates through each pixel with every color, eventually we would have an image for every possible thing that can exist, could exist or that can be imagined.
Anything from pictures of cars that haven't even been designed yet or text detailing the cure to anything to a picture of Hitler skiing on the moon.

I believe this is something certain but i have some questions:

1. The result of this is finite for sure considering there's only 1 million pixels to fill with only a set of ~16 million colors.
Assuming time and resources aren't a problem, can the entire output be stored in our universe?
I mean we now have really large SD cards or even tinkering with storing data in DNA but i assume the size would still be an issue.

2. Time is definitely a problem so instead of generating images by pixel iteration, i was thinking every pixel should be assigned a random color. Once an image is generated a seed would be created from it and stored so it can be used later to avoid duplicates.
This will make a shitload of images looks like a colorful spazzy static but technically it should also create any image a camera could take.
My question is how long would it take until it produces an image of something that we can recognize, say an animal or a rock or literally anything, and not look like pic related?