Myocarditis is a genuine risk with the vaccines

No.14211313 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know there are a lot of pro-mandators on this board, and you guys tend to think that you are pro-science, but then you guys constantly smear your opponents and deny basic fact's such the fact that vaccines cause myocarditis and other issues.

This is not a conspiracy theory. The CDC and literally DOZENS of other health agencies in numerous countries have recognized myocarditis as a genuine risk, and you can find multiple peer-reviewed studies on the topic on pubmed and google scholar. If you deny this risk, then your are engaging in partisan disinformation and are taking an anti-science perspective.

The real question that you need to be asking, and which actual scientists and doctors ask when evaluating these issues is "what are the relative risks and relative benefits". All medicines have some risk of side effects. All medicines have risks and benefits that need to be weighed and compared. Claiming that vaccines cause myocarditis is not "anti-science", nor is it "disinformation", nor is it a "conspiracy theory". It is simply an objectively true, scientific claim, that has been documented and acknowledged by multiple government agencies and numerous scholars and researchers in the field of bio-medicine. Now does that mean the other claims of the "anti-vaxxers" are correct? No, of course not, but as a simple matter of fact, we know that the vaccine do present such risks. The real question is, do the benefits of the vaccine outweigh those risks, but to categorically deny the existence of these risks at all is simply intellectually dishonest.