>>14212556'IQ' is a good thing for the ego or to join a paid membership club...
You should focus on a couple things
>brain fitness>mastery/competence/insight in your field--brain fitness? try to be reasonably healthy, and away from the meds and drugs. Nootropics and PEDs are something, but should only be an advanced thing or taught to you by a pro. Things like N-back and other games can help some. A disciplined routine can help some.
---mastery/insight/competence?? In even most complex fields, the 'IQ Ceiling' is actually really low. If you are 100 avg IQ you can do all but the crazy shit. And even the crazy shit is almost no benefit to be above 120(and I'm talking 'real' IQ scores, not the silly '140' shit you get from an online test)... You master a field by being able to see and understand the significant models that drive the system. There are going to be multiple 'types' of systems or problems or markets etc... in your craft. Each type tends to have about a few significant models that carry most of the freight. There may be a dozen or so very significant models in your entire craft. Mastering these and being able to see what types of situation is occurring is much more valuable than say the difference between a 115 IQ and a 125 IQ...
aLL the while, you are also mitigating various cognitive biases that affect your ability to function rationally