Air Flow Requirements for Cooling a Processor

No.14209438 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm curious if such a thing is even reasonably possible to estimate / calculate. I'm not here to ask "exactly what fans should I buy for my computer" or anything like that, mainly just curious about the thermodynamics behind this.

So far, looking it up, I've found a few different formulas:

Airflow[cfm] = watts / (20 * (1.7 / 60) * (Tin - Tout))

rate.of.cooling[W]=rate.of.heat.production=hA(Tsurface?Tair) Where, h is the convection coefficient, A is the surface area of the processor, Tsurface is the surface temperature of the processor and Tair is the average temperature of the inlet air.

CFM=1.79*watts/delta T

All of these seem highly suspect and also vary a suspect amount.

Is it calculable? Is there too many variables?