I want to slit my professor's fucking throats

No.14204464 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm a 37 year old 13th year engineering student who never had an interest in engineering. I joined the military. I wanted to fight terrorists. But I happened to be better at math than I am at sports. And it was Obama's army. So they decided fuck what I wanted to do with my life. They told me my life's purpose is now to fight 'Climate Change'. I'm supposed to do what the Glorious Community wants to do with my life.

So now I'm studying to 'do my part' to 'fight' 'Climate Change'. I have no fucking clue why I should care. I don't have any kids. I'm never going to have any kids. So why the fuck should I care about something that'll happen hundreds of years from now? Even if it's true which by the way it's fucking bullshit.

All it is is some people who don't have religion who need to have religion and haven't quite squared with the fact we live in a cursed reality where everything is unsustainable and dies. So they want to 'sustain' the world, when the universe isn't sustainable. But they can't just bother themselves with their own religious journey. *I* have to be dragged into their not-religion and participate.

My *real* problem is asshole college professors and administrators who are so high on their own fucking egos they think they get to decide what 'plebes' want to do with our lives.

But there's not much I can do about it other than shoot up my college, blow up the college, or blow up and then shoot up my college. Like that's going to solve anything.

But what's a more rational end game? I mean, maybe I get really good and engineering (though I doubt that will ever happen because I hate the subject), so then I can get power over the next generation? So I can - what? Be the asshole who continues the cycle of fucking over the next generation by being a fucking control freak?