Guys please listen to for the love of God PLEASE

No.14204075 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know and understand gravity, and it is not what you think it is. It is not a universal or fundamental "force". It is an acceleration, but not one of matter. It is an acceleration of spacetime itself.

Please allow me to explain. Imagine that you are in a dragster that is accelerating forward with incredible force. You will be pressed into the back of the seat. Imagine that sensation. Now take the seat out of the dragster and set it on the ground on its back. Then sit in it. Imagine that sensation. It's the same sensation as accelerating forward.

Things that are "stationary" on the ground are accelerating upwards. But how can that be? We can see that they're not moving. What is happening is their frame of reference, their coordinate system, spacetime itself is accelerating past them toward the center of earth.

Let's say that spacetime flows into matter like a fluid, just accept that as a fact for now. It flows like a wide river flows into a narrow waterfall. As you get closer to the waterfall, the water must necessarily accelerate in order to accommodate the narrowing passage. In the same way, spacetime must accelerate as it approaches matter.