>>14201365LETS might encounter the same problems that HLS did. Lack of funding is one of them. I don't know how many landers do they want, but I don't expect more than two, unless something changes, they just can't afford them all.
As a winner of HLS, SpaceX is definitely going to win LETS as Option A, at that point it will just be a safe bet. Option B is more open to discussion.
Foremost, if I were Jeff, I would fix all issues with his lander that NASA pointed out and try to bring the price down. If he deals with them, he might win.
Second thing, this time Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman joined in, so they may surprise us. I know that NG is making a rover, but I guess it's not for LETS, otherwise it would be a weird competition. On the other hand, LM proposed their own lander in 2018 but it didn't go anywhere. But there's an odd thing with those companies, after all they're a part of the National Team, but this time, with LETS, they received separate awards. Both of them have also stated that they continue to work with Blue Origin. To me, it looks like they're trying to politely abandon the ship.