>>14198677They won't, because they're not the ones responsible.
Read about the concept of the managerial state. Most public policy decisions (and therefore the people's will, since all modern governments rely heavily on institutional propaganda) are driven by loss-avoidance, and not morality, ambition, or the general happiness. Therefore, states will take aggressive measures to avoid negative losses, especially losses which affect their power or social reach. The lockdown is the culmination of this. It appears to mitigate loss, regardless of whether it actually DOES mitigate loss, and reinforces the social control and power of the managerial class by disrupting and preventing social cohesion among the middle and lower classes.
Incidentally, cell phones are exactly the same. Cell phone use is driven by FOMO, i.e. the managerial loss-avoidance response. Even though cell phones actually disrupt social cohesion, prevent physical meetings and conversation, and have served as enormous social disruptions, the managerial state can't tolerate the possible loss of information that would be risked by ceasing cell phone usage as a whole in the general population.