The real reason the vaccine does not work

No.14194155 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey 4chan. I was told that this place is filled with COVID misinfo and right-wing idiots so I thought that if I come here and share my real insider info I'll just get dismissed as another right-wing idiot so this is the perfect wall to shout to get all of the these negative thoughts out of my head. So here it goes:

First one of all, I'm a Finance Manager at Pfizer. I don't work directly in the vaccine division but I have a lot of first-hand information because I get invited to a lot of meetings. This is what I know:

1) Why the COVID vaccine does not work
As a finance manager at Pfizer my main job is doing financial modelling. Financial modelling can be any description of a probable financial scenario using real data and typical accounting/finance conventions. Back in the day our vaccine models were like this:

N = # of people likely to get the vaccine
P = $ price of manufacturing a unit of the vaccine
P' = $ price the vaccine will be sold at
O(n) = Operational costs associated with manufacturing and distributing n doses of the vaccine
R = $ cost of the research and development needed for the vaccine.

Ignoring taxes, the total profit we could make from creating a vaccine was:
N*P' - N*P - O(N) - R

As you can imagine, we could always keep track of the costs of R. The cost P is pretty much almost 0 (these things cost nothing to produce) and for P' we have historical prices to input into our model. The problem is N.

See, the problem is that because a vaccine back in the day was supposed to 100% prevent a disease then the vaccination event was unique. You only needed to vaccinate once. Therefore our estimation of N was really fucking important. In my lifetime I have seen people get fired for overestimating/underestimating N. It is that important.

In short terms, a pharma company's decision to work on a vaccine for a new disease depended entirely on what their financial analysts estimated N to be. (cont.)