>>14197213>*diedwhat do i mean by the arts died. they just no longer actively attempted to sublimate the transcendent and transformed their role into sublimating the spectacle. they became too self-aware as a group that their role was to keep the train on the tracks and decided collectively to throw themselves into abnegation, maybe precognizant of the great wars about to ravage the continent and destroy the previous way of life for most people.
ok wtf does
>sublimation of the transcendentmean? it comes out of freudian analysis, basically what is the meaning or purpose to life? for about 30-40 thousand years the artist gave humanity meaning by showing the inner beauty in all things and because it is a human doing it showing the inner beauty in all humans by displaying the capacity to capture god if for a moment. and god was the meaning then, and the purpose of civilization was to capture fleeting moments of grace, this is the traditional structure of all civs across the planet. the monument of mankind is to bring him closer to the monument of creation. and don't believe this monotheism vs polytheism dialectic garbage, everyone believes/d in a sole creator god with various extended pantheons of demi-gods.
2 then follows that as people make better tools and discover new things in the scientific and engineering sphere this begins a slow and persistent attack on the arts, religion, war, maybe death itself. da vinci is a good historical analog of this, a fantastic artist, somewhat of a shitty scientist, even in the 1400s he could feel the pressure mounting from this new emergent human activity where all the talent was going.
3 is about the history and conditions required to make various leaps. it was a lot of german/nordic autism and the british ignored it at their peril and by the time it hit them they had lost their empire and the fifth column of scots and irish thinkers eroded all confidence in a rebuttal, so the world was left with continental ideas.