In the years prior to my taking medication, it’s a mite too soon to consider that I’ve already permanently deteriorated from, that from there I was able to reach tremendous states into the heights of experience, by simple methods of experimentation on the mind that came naturally, such as the following: to force pressure into the area of your brain in the forehead; to read philosophy and theology but to interpret no meaning, instead reading the words for their ornateness and in the voice of something like a powerful angel, reading into the grammatical structure in sets of threes or thereabouts, and by realizing all the benefits of self improvement by these conditions by reaching more manic states of creativity.
So tell me /sci/entists how do I do this again now?
>inb4 go off your meds
No it makes me paranoid
So tell me /sci/entists how do I do this again now?
>inb4 go off your meds
No it makes me paranoid