>>14189624>Proof?do you know how decay is calculated?
thestory goes like this
uranium-238 decays to torium-234 by emiting an alpha particle, this alpha partiucle escapes the nucleum by the tunneling effect
Considering this tunneling effect, calculations taking into account height and width of energy barriers allow to determine the half-life in nuclear reactions (the biiger the barrier the bigger the half-life)
so you need to make a calculation given by a mathematical model which provides an equation (equations always have errors) to determine the half-life.
But what is the data given to this model? The height and width of the energy barrier.
How is the energy barrier measured, empirically?
It isn't, you can't measure it, you calculate it using ANOTHER model. It's calculated using the separation of the nuclei, the nuclear attractive potential and the Coloumb repulsion potential.
So it's model on top of model on top of model, and they use this shit to determine the age of earth.
>Not an assumptionit is necessarily an assumption although you pretend it's not because experimental data contradicts it, 20th century physicicsts has to reivent Physics to not admit the earth is not moving. But that Physics would obviously show grotesque contradictions and errors down the line since it's not based on reality, but rather, to lie about it (e.g. dark energy, dark matter, etc.)