No.14185274 ViewReplyOriginalReport
thinking about that patient who had his corpus callosum severed and had a ghost hand, basically had his non-dominant side encoding and processing memory in paralell without his concious input a la multithreaded processing.

What are the problems if I made a braile producing device that stimulated your finger pad with mirrored verbage from an eye tracker while you're reading and consciously studying, then could switch to a sort of passive study mode where it basically would replay some of the stimulus. Would you consciously or unconsciously reprocess it and have implicit neural memory of it for the next time you consciously revisit? Full disclosure Im basically trying to turn my already pretty smart but totally squandered by 21st century suboptimality eskensazi jew genes into the most absurd giga quant in the next generation and this is a hack im thinking of applying while my kid develops.

any other actually confirmed iq hacks for ur kids aside from the obvious?