You Wouldn't Patent the?Sun

No.14184487 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Looks like yet another group is cashing in on spintronics, although someone needs to talk to their editor and explain to them that a spintronic computer based upon filtering out certain electrons is not the same thing as a superconducting wire.

Their method is also unsuitable for my photonic binning imaging system since, according to them, photons/electrons can only spin up or down and therefore there's no reason to think about the degrees of a circle.

Not to say that their advancement isn't useful because it does have its merits, but I am not even going to bother accusing a group like that of plagiarism when they don't even seem to grasp that this is not a superconductor.

I actually figured out how to transmit energy down a wire at approaching the efficiency of a superconductor at room temperature and I was pretty much the person who came up with the connection between superconduction and phonons (also being talked about at lot this week) so when I see stuff like this, I have to wonder if this isn't grant-seeking behavior.