No.14184407 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a rant thread, hope you don't mind anons but I have to take this shit out of my chest.

>sister reads facebook post about parallel universes
>post mentions schrödinger cat experiment as it actually involved a real cat in a box with all the stuff.
>post concludes this IMPLIES (just because) the possibility of parallel universes and therefore the existence of ghosts as a 'inteference' between those universes.
>Post reinforces its point mentioning the man of Taured as a fact.
>Sister strongly believes in this because she read it on internet.

Another one
>most family members name mostly anything they can't understand as energy
>I'm feeling not well
>Your are getting bad energies
>Tv on bedroom
>It draws your energies
>Something with really low odds to happen happens
>It must be the energy of grandma taking care of us from the beyond
>Dog is behaving like is sad or tired
>He must be feeling low vibrations at home, because dogs can feel low vibrations

>They read and believe in horoscope
>I can't do that thing today because my horoscope says that thing is bad for me today
>Same with I ching, chinese horoscope, tarot, you name it.
>Mandalas to align you inner energies
>Most of them heavy drinkers, pot heads, feeling a cosmic connection with nature and universe.

But wait, there's more
>Pot head tv shaman guru sais horoscope and stuff are true because they are true otherwise it wouldn't be true.
>They believe because Tv cannot be wrong because they cannot commit erros on air.
>They claim to be open minded to everything except to a different point of view of what they actually believe
>Every single family reunion turns into this topic at some point and into political arguing (despite most of them think the same)
>Eventually they don't talk about politics, they yell about politics agreeing to each other.