>>14184464At 10% of the speed of light, for every year on the spacecraft, 366.84 days would have passed on Earth.
At 20% - 373.53 days or one year and 8.53 days
At 40% - 398.25 days or one year and 33.25 days
At 60% - 456.25 days or one year and 91.25 days
At 80% - 608.34 days or one year and 243.34 days
At 90% -- 837.37 days or two years and 107.37 days
At 95% —1168.93 days or three years and 73.94 days
At 99% - 2587.42 days or seven years and 133 days
At 99.90% - 8163.69 days or 22 years and 131 days
At 99.99% -25810.00 days or 70 years and 259 days
At 99.999% - 81616.66 days or 223 years and 219 days
there you go on that.
in human speak
if you get near the speed of light time for you slows down relative to the rest of the universe so you can like 99.9 etc the speed of light and it doesn't seem like months. the problem is the rest of the universe goes by faster. It deals with space "actually shortening" between the distances due to the extreme speed. Speed is the answer.
generation ships and cryo sleep are autism.