Making a Grid-like Figure in R (or Python)

No.14184108 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've kept data on myself since January 01, 2020, so about 765 days of data. See pic rel for the top of the data.
One variable is the type of exercise I have done on each day.
I want to make a figure that indicates the type of exercise I did on each day.
Like, a 109 x 7 grid, where each cell is colored according to the (factor / string) variable that indicates what exercise I did on that day.
I'm having a hard time coding this and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions.
If you are curious, in the past 765 days I have consumed 999 alcoholic drinks, 826 "units" of weed (a unit is approximately equal to one and a half typical hits), and 2337 cigarettes.