>>14178654Emotional reasoning is not necessarily inexplicable reasoning. Interesting lesioning studies in people who have damaged ventral medial prefrontal cortices present a reported lack of emotional expression and perceive their reasoning process to be purely logical, but in fact have worse intuition in decision making and often choose options which cause the subject harm. This comes from an inability to calculate risk adequately, something which appears to occur at a subconscious level. Thus my argument is that emotional decisions make use of the “gut” feeling to motivate action, but can be rationalized post incidence according to sound principles. Emotionality gets stigmatized because aberrant expression of emotions is both disgusting and dangerous. These points come from Robert Sapolski’s book “Behave”
It sounds like you can’t identify a pattern of poor decision making in you life, which leads me to reason that you likely have good intuitive judgement of situations, even if you must first rationalize that behavior. If your intuition was faulty then you would be faced frequently with possible decisions that once reasoned through, were quite irrational. So a masking of emotions might indeed be the cause. None the less your thought process does seem atypical and it might be worth getting imaging done to look for structural anomalies (tumors, enlarged ventriculs etc) . You can participate in fmri studies at a local university and they will pay you to image your brain, and report to you any medically worthwhile abnormalities they come across. This way you can avoid retarded psychologists and expensive hospital bills.