No person who DOES things makes money in this world, OP. How the fuck do you not know this by now?
Some rich old fart who owns the clinic or whatever will become a billionaire, maybe, depending on how much they charge. The people who actually invented the procedure will get paid the same as they otherwise would have. Medicine does not pay royalties.
But that's besides the point. The only way this is going to catch on widely is if it's free. Then maybe you'll see a significant fraction of the people in the world using it. Perhaps 10-15%. But no more. Keep in mind the 1 billion Muslims in the world already chop off part of their dicks to appease their retard god, so would probably not want any part of this as it also involves messing with whatever their god wants. The 2 billion or so Chinese are superstitious as fuck about modern medicine, so unless this treatment involves powdered rhino horn or tiger testicles or some shit, they also won't budge - unless the government makes them. Then you have to consider all the people in Africa who have no concept of this Western meme of "bigger is better", who would only take it if you somehow convinced them it would make them less likely to catch AIDS.
You have to realize that any procedures that are completely optional are mostly going to be avoided. How many people get plastic surgery to have a porn-star ass or beautiful face? Except in extreme cases of a penis less than 3" or so, anything around average size is perfectly functional. Hell, as those Muslims and Jews and Americans have proven, you can cut off most of the sensitive bits and it still is mostly functional. Oh sure, there's going to be a number of super insecure men who will jump at this, but that's still going to be a very tiny minority, because those are the type who are only interested in the appearance, not the function. And for those, currently existing procedures already increase the apparent size of the penis when flaccid, so that's enough.