Why can't world academy polish meter a bit to make light speed even?
No.14175285 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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French frogger faggots keep the copyright potent for muh perfect meter, which is nothing but some shitty material iron log that came up with random 1/1000000 paris meridian to equator measurements. Earth is not perfect shape, neither do borders are precise.
The light of speed in vacuum is absolute, and therefore can be used for an constant measurement. So why can't we just SLIGHTLY reduce the meter tiny bit so instead of some vague 299,792,458 m/s we get solid 300,000,000? It's not much, but we'd get to perfection through constant.
Everything would be measured in light, since gram and litres also came from meter.
The light of speed in vacuum is absolute, and therefore can be used for an constant measurement. So why can't we just SLIGHTLY reduce the meter tiny bit so instead of some vague 299,792,458 m/s we get solid 300,000,000? It's not much, but we'd get to perfection through constant.
Everything would be measured in light, since gram and litres also came from meter.