I think that the idea that women are more maternal than men is a lie.

No.14174709 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think that the idea that women are more maternal than men is a lie.

Let me explain .evolution chooses organisms that have instinctive behaviors that increase their chances of survival until they mate.
Therefore, behaviors such as greed, gluttony and lust are good because they increase your chances of survival.

So if women are maternal, they will be under an instinctive force that push them to take care of her newborn whom ever his father is, so rapists will survive more than loving men. and men will turn into predators like gorillas or lions..... It may also lead to the extinction of humans because women will try to take care of all the children, even if they are not fit to survive.

But you don't see this.
Men love women and want to protect them so what does this mean? It means that women are not motherly, but they are the gatekeepers, and you have to pay if you want to pass. so the survivors are, the men who gave their meat and jewelry and fur to the women.

Women only love the children of the men who took care of them, that is, those who paid money to pass.
The fact that women are mothers will not guarantee their survival, but if men were motherly it will guarantees the survival of their children more, because with their power they will force or Persuade women to take care of their genes.

It is an evolutionary advantage for men to be motherly.

Perhaps this is also the reason why men are more likely to become paedophile. they love children more .

Women being mothers is a lie invented by society.

Women are weak. It is evolutionary disadvantage for them to have a protective instinct or to share food with a weak little creature who will not Repay the investment immediately. It is more beneficial for men to love children.