>Be Australian
>Be Finance Major
>Transfer to do quantitative analysis for some tech firm
>no joke, 85% poos and chinks
>fucking intolerable smell
>assigned to work with finance team and tech guys to formulate business models and hash out some stupid fucking graphs or some shit
>work quality is fucking poor as shit
>constant cost overruns
>everything done so fast and cheap it always has to be fixed
You guys seriously don't work in this environment do you.
>Be Finance Major
>Transfer to do quantitative analysis for some tech firm
>no joke, 85% poos and chinks
>fucking intolerable smell
>assigned to work with finance team and tech guys to formulate business models and hash out some stupid fucking graphs or some shit
>work quality is fucking poor as shit
>constant cost overruns
>everything done so fast and cheap it always has to be fixed
You guys seriously don't work in this environment do you.